Never think about maintaining your
home appliances again

Almost Automated keeps track of everything in your home that needs maintenance, auto-replaces filters, and makes scheduling service a breeze

"I used to ignore maintaining all this stuff. With Almost Automated I still ignore it but now everything's up to date!"

Kayla Ray


An automatic summary of recently serviced appliances

Put filters on autopilot

Pools are meant to be enjoyed. Let us do servicing.

“Thank you for building such an empowering tool, especially for designers! The site went from Figma to Framer in less than a week.”






I never have to order filters for my fridge again



I like DIY but I hate tracking this stuff. Autopilot Maintenance makes it easy.



Honestly the @framer publish time is insanely fast. Just published 2 weeks of changes in 5 seconds – like it’s almost too fast for such a big moment.



I used to ignore maintaining all this stuff. Now I still ignore it but it gets maintained without me.



I love working on my home but have no interest in keeping my appliances up to date, tracking warranties, or ordering new water filters. This service just does it for me.



I like that I can do the DIY stuff and push all the rest to the Autopilots scheduler.



I don't want my house to be another job. Autopilot maintenance allows me to just enjoy my home instead of constantly fight little fires.



I bought my home to live in it not to do maintenance. Love this service.



It's amazing how much time I used to lose just trying to understand basic things about my appliances. Now I just get an monthly email with all the answers and upcoming service.

Never think about home
maintenance again



/ month

Monthly automated emails

Automated refill ordering

Autoschedule up to 10 assets



/ month

Everything in DIY

Best service provider

Insights Panel

Autoschedule unlimited assets

An Almost Automated Production

Text us anytime! 703.887.2869


“Thank you for building such an empowering tool, especially for designers! The site went from Figma to Framer in less than a week.”

Kayla Ray
